Our Partners

Partnering for SDG17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalising the global partnership for sustainable development, the Alliance for Global Development launched an outreach programme targeting NGOs, both in Luxembourg and abroad entitled ‘Partnering for SDG17’. With the belief that ‘together, we are stronger’, we envisage cooperation among organisations as crucial to jointly work towards realising the ideals of the UNSDG.

Through this outreach, we speak to local and international actors, hearing their views, opinions, while discussing on tangible local and transboundary projects that will positively impact beneficiaries. Ensuring synergy through similar target audiences and beneficiaries will allow the organisations to pool in their best talent to produce the local tangible actions.

‘Partnering for SDG17’ reinforces the Alliance for Global Development’s commitment to collaborate with actors from all strata of society, to conjure cocrete concepts of how we want our common tomorrow to be, one that we will pass on to our future generations.

With common notions of ‘global’ and ‘development’, ‘Partnering for SDG17’ will continue to increase its footprint, roping in multiple organisations alongside the Alliance for Global Development, through the umbrella grouping envisaged in its founding document as a partnership between like-minded responsible civil society organisations working hand-in-hand to create change in our world of today.

This outreach is an open-call to all partners to pitch in together. If you wish to join, please contact us and we will gladly get back to you.

We Are

Partnering for SDG17