Project CORPI:

Nobody Benched! Combating Racism through Sport, Playing for Inclusivity (CORPI),

The CORPI project stands as a bold endeavor dedicated to eliminating racism, xenophobia, and discrimination within the sports community. Our objective is to nurture a sporting environment where inclusivity is the norm, ensuring every participant is recognized and valued, irrespective of their background. This initiative unites a broad spectrum of sports stakeholders—ranging from athletes and coaches to physical education instructors and sports educators—all committed to promoting a culture steeped in equality and respect


Project Acronym:

Project code :

Guide Book:

Co-Funded by:



Preparing Mentors

European Commision.

DE02 Erasmus + / Nationale Agentur Bildung

für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BiBB)

EU Grant Amount:


Project Activities:

Target Group:

€ 60.000

Jan 2023-Jun 2024

2 LTTA Training

Adults, Sports Mentors, Young adults, Leaders of NGOs