Project DVAE:

Digital Voyage Around Europe

European adults need to be encouraged to engage in lifelong learning in order to acquire the skills necessary to catch up with the needs and opportunities of modern digital life. Digital work can happen in face-toface situations as well as in online environments – or in a mixture of these two. Digital media and technology can be either a tool, an activity or a content in daily work. Digital work is underpinned by the same ethics, values and principles as adult work. This need can be addressed by using Augmented Reality technology in Adult Training and LifeLong Learning, and the first step would be to prepare the trainers themselves, by introducing them to the use of Augmented Reality in the Classroom.



Project Acronym:

Project code :

Co-Funded by:



European Commission
ES01 Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE)

EU Grant Amount:


Project Activities:

Target Group:

€ 178.285

Nov 2020 – Apr 2023

05 Trans-national Project Meetings
5 Results (of which 1 web platform)
8 Multiplier Events

Digital Learners, both Adults and Young Adults