Project JV:

Joint Ventures: Jeunes et des Éspaces Vertes

Empowering youth with skills, DIY techniques, brainstorming to find solutions to sustainable ways of life, to travel, to use the informatics services, all in the name of climate action is the aim of Jeunes et des Éspaces Vertes. This collective concerted action, both in rural and urban areas is through civic engagement, participation and collaborative work. Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work Up-skilling youth, imparting them green-life skills, capacity building in skills concerning environment, green action, empowering them to act autonomously by providing them with tools and ideas will ensure the decentralised method of action improves quality, the networking across youth will allow them to innovate and the work they do will be recognised at the local, regional and national level.



Project Acronym:

Project code :

Co-Funded by:

Web Platform:


2021-1-LU01-KA220-YOU 000029296

European Commission LU01 Anefore Asbl.

EU Grant Amount:


Project Activities:

Target Group:

€ 124.785

Jan 2022 – Dec 2023

4 Trans-national Project Meetings
2 Trainings
2 Results (of which 1 web platform)
4 Multiplier Events

Digital Learners, both Adults and Young Adults